E.B. temple to dedicate ambulance to Israel

E.B. temple to dedicate
ambulance to Israel

Young Israel of East Brunswick, 193 Dunhams Corner Road, will dedi­cate a bulletproof ambulance to the state of Israel at 10 a.m. on March 30. Community members collected more than $95,000 in an effort to help civil­ians in Israel, especially those in com­munities that are distant from immedi­ate medical care.

American Red Magen David for Israel (ARMDI) is the fund-raising orga­nization in the United States for Magen David Adom (MDA), the Israeli equiva­lent of the Red Cross and the sole provider of emergency medical services in Israel.

Each year individuals or groups from the United States donate approximately 80-90 ambulances and emergency vehi­cles to the MDA. The current fleet is made up of about 700 ambulances, but during the recent fighting in Israel, more than 10 percent of the fleet was at­tacked and badly damaged.

Local politicians and ARMDI repre­sentatives are scheduled to attend the dedication.

For more information, call Carol at (732) 651-6523.

Parents Without Partners

sets open dance in E.B.

Parents Without Partners Chapter No. 236 will hold a reunion open dance from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. on March 28 at the East Brunswick Elks Club, Hardenburg Lane.

Admission is $8 for nonmembers, $6 for members. An orientation for prospec­tive members will be held at 7:30 p.m.

For more information, call (732) 602-8800.