Girl Scouts of Ocean County 20th award luncheon

The Girl Scouts of Ocean County’s twentieth Annual Award Luncheon will honor Rosemary E. Jeffries, RSM, Ph.D., president of Georgian Court College, Lakewood, for her personal, professional and community achievements. This "citizenship award" will be presented at the luncheon, which is scheduled to begin at noon on Sept. 25 at the Ramada Inn, Toms River.

As the eighth president of Georgian Court College, Sister Rosemary is spearheading efforts to obtain university status for the college, now in its 94th year of service. Prior to her current role at Georgian Court, Sister Rosemary was vice president of the Sisters of Mercy, Regional Community of NJ; a member of its Leadership Team; director of development and public relations; and director of communications. She has also served as the director of public relations for Georgian Court College, and director of communications for the Diocese of Trenton.

Luncheon tickets are $75 each. Sponsorships range from $100 for a quarter page in the commemorative journal to $2,500 for a platinum sponsorship, which includes recognition in the luncheon journal and 10 luncheon tickets. Proceeds from the Award Luncheon benefit quality programs and activities for more than 7,800 members of the Girl Scouts of Ocean County. For more information, call the Girl Scout Council service center at (732) 349-4499.