Brookdale science student is putting

Howell on the map

Brookdale science
student is putting

rookdale Community College student Ziggy Arnason, Tinton Falls, is putting Howell in touch with satellites.

Arnason is participating in a project to develop computerized maps that will pinpoint data sites. The township’s engineering department has employed Arnason as a geographical information systems intern. He carries a global positioning systems (GPS) receiver on his back, part of the same guided missile technology satellites use to give precise latitude and longitude locations.

For Howell, the challenge is to locate storm drains, runoff, catch basins and outfall pipes. To track polluters, towns now need to know the paths of the water runoff into water sources. Identifying these "nonpoint pollution sources" helps track and identifying sources that hamper water quality. 

"Brookdale has two GPS packs and our students are trained in their operation as part of their environmental studies class," said Bob Macaluso, manager, Sandy Hook station. "The students utilize this software in place of manual assessment."

As a math/science major with a biology option, Arnason learned the necessary skills to utilize the GPS techniques Howell required.

"I’m planning to continue in this field and my internship allows me to apply what I learned in my environmental studies class," Arnason said.

Brookdale offers science classes in Lincroft and at Sandy Hook. Field work experiences include boat excursions into the Raritan Bay to sample marine ecology, and geology field trips to caves in northern New Jersey. Mentoring programs and internships provide students guidance and experience in developing technology.