Hardware store owner builds a better Web site

South River man offers
to list all of town

By jennifer dome
Staff Writer

South River man offers
to list all of town’s
shopping locations for free
By jennifer dome
Staff Writer

SOUTH RIVER — Consumers with money to spend and business owners with products to sell may find their match on a new Web site that highlights shopping within the borough.

Ed Trygar, owner of Trygar’s Hardware on Ferry Street, launched a Web site a few weeks ago that many hope will lead shoppers to stores located throughout the borough.

The Web site, which can be found at www.shopsouthriver.com, contains a list of stores, their addresses, telephone numbers and a map to guide shoppers to their destinations.

Trygar said he believed the town needed a service such as the Web site to help new, and even longtime residents, get to know what’s available to them in their own community.

"I thought, what the heck, I’ll just go ahead and put this Web site together," Trygar said.

Some communities have a directory that lists local businesses and is mailed to residents’ homes, Trygar said. This directory of stores is available to those outside of the community and, similar to a directory of stores found in a shopping mall, the Web site will provide the location of local stores at the user’s fingertips, Trygar said.

The stores are listed on the Web site under two categories: one for stores located "downtown" and one for stores "around town." While only a couple dozen stores are listed so far, Trygar said he hopes the Web site will grow as business owners and shoppers discover its usefulness.

Trygar said he lists stores on the Web site for free and he will also create a link to the store’s own Web site if that is desired.

"I figure, if my neighbor is doing good business, then I’m doing well, too," Trygar said of his 29-year-old, family-owned business.

The Web site also lists the location of automated teller machines (ATMs), the post office, public parking and also provides the borough’s recycling rules.

Trygar said he hopes people will take advantage of the yard sales listing and calendar features on the Web site. He said that individuals can list their yard sales or tricky tray events on the site for free. The calendar feature may keep organizations from scheduling such events on the same days, he said.

"I was hoping that was something people could continually check," Trygar said about the yard sale and calendar links.

To list a business on the Web site, or for more information, send an e-mail to Trygar at [email protected] — an e-mail address that is also listed on www.shopsouthriver.com

People are also welcome to stop by his hardware store on Ferry Street to inquire about the Web site, Trygar said.