Coast Guard offers boating course in Brick

U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 16-05 of Brick will present a six-lesson boating skills and seamanship course beginning Oct. 8 at the Brick Municipal Building, Chambers Bridge Road. The classes will be held in the recreation room on the lower level on the east side of the building.

The course is one that all boat operators and frequent boat passengers should consider taking, according to Flotilla Staff Officer Donald Gricius. The classes will begin on Oct. 8 at 8 p.m. and will meet every Wednesday evening from 8 to 10 p.m. until Nov. 19. They are taught by qualified instructors from the flotilla.

The subjects covered benefit both new and experienced boaters, according to Gricius.

Some of the topics presented in the class are boat handling, rules of the road, the buoyage system and more.

Students 16 years of age and older who pass the final examination will receive a New Jersey Boating Certificate that certifies them to legally operate personal watercraft.

Some insurance companies demand that their insured take this course, while others offer premium discounts to those who certify. Participants can keep the textbook, workbook and other materials used in the class.

Class size is limited so early registration is recommended. The fee for the course and materials is $50. For additional information or to register, please call (732) 915-3038 and leave a message.