Committee names rec director

Committee names rec director

JACKSON — The naming of the township’s new recreation director was a point of contention at Monday’s Township Committee meeting.

The committee appointed Anne Alberta to the permanent position of recreation director. Alberta has served as the acting director for the past year.

However, her appointment was not made without protest by William Santos, a former Jackson township administrator who spoke during the public forum, and by Republican Committeeman Josh Reilly.

Santos is also a Republican.

"Your advertising [for the position] should have been accurate and above-board," said Santos. He claimed Alberta did not meet all the qualifying criteria as described in the advertisement for the job.

"She was interviewed along with everyone else," Mayor Michael Kafton said.

Reilly had his own reason for protesting Alberta’s appointment.

"There was no discussion before putting her appointment on the agenda," he said. "That’s a violation of the Sunshine Law."

Kafton countered Reilly’s argument with what has become a frequent complaint by Democrats of Reilly’s unavailability to discuss committee business.

"You don’t read your mail and you don’t answer your phone," the mayor said.

Santos asked how Alberta’s salary would be determined and if it would be based on comparable salaries paid for the same position in surrounding towns.

Kafton confirmed that Jackson would do exactly that.

However, Robert Ryley, the aide to the mayor and the Township Committee, stepped up to the microphone to respond to Santos’ allegations of impropriety.

"Doesn’t the state permit the substitution of life experience for [the lack of qualifying criteria]?" asked Ryley.

Committeeman Michael Broderick, a labor relations representative, said that it did. His answer moved Reilly to vote in favor of Alberta’s appointment, despite his earlier stated reservations.

"Anne, I’m a difficult man to impress," said Reilly. "You’ve impressed me. I vote yes."

— Joyce Blay