Fair Haven candidates speak their minds

Jean Buck
Age: 43
Occupation: Educator at Marlboro Middle School

Fair Haven candidates speak their minds INDEPENDENT Jean Buck Age: 43 Occupation: Educator at Marlboro Middle School

Jean Buck
Age: 43
Occupation: Educator at Marlboro Middle School

Biography: Fair Haven resident since 1992. Den mother for Cub Scouts; board of trustees of Fair Haven Technology Foundation; chaired the Knollwood Book Fair for two years; co-chaired referendum in Fair Haven; secretary/treasurer for an AAU baseball team; member of PTSA at Rumson-Fair Haven High School; co-president of the Booster Club at RFH; past student council adviser in Marlboro; directed children in musicals and plays; past member of Monmouth Conservatory of Music; past board of director member of Monmouth Players; coached softball for children; elected to the Board of Education, where she chaired the policy committee for six years.

Q: If elected to the council, what specifically would you like to accomplish?

A: My top priority is to bring to the council the voice of the people of Fair Haven. Next, accountability, financial stability, establish a communication system that excludes no one, and finally, explore constructive opportunities for our teenagers. No group or individual can succeed standing alone. Every elected official, every municipal employee, every volunteer, and every citizen must work together as a team to prevail in preserving and building our borough.

Q: Do you have any ideas for lowering taxes?

A: Stabilization must be in place before lowering taxes could occur. We need to budget our government as we budget our household. Borrowing must be curtailed. I want to see an effective budgeting and long-range planning process in place to be able to maximize the value the borough gets for its money, and minimize waste.

Q: Do you think Fair Haven should provide affordable housing for middle- and lower-income residents?

A: Yes, Fair Haven should explore ways of providing affordable housing. We need to provide our community with reasonable-cost housing to preserve the diversity of the residents. I would also like to enable seniors to stay in the community where they have enjoyed raising their families.

Q: What can you offer to Fair Haven that no other candidate can?

A: No party affiliation. I am running as an independent. I answer to no committee chair. I believe it is so important to bring an independent perspective on issues to the council.


Chris Walrath

Age: 45

Occupation: Attorney at Gluck, Walrath & Lanciano, LLP.

Biography: Fair Haven resident for more than 18 years; married with three children, ages 13, 11 and 9; former Zoning Board member and seven-year Borough Council member (1994 through 2000); current chair of finance committee; youth basketball and baseball coach; served as a member of vestry at Episcopal church.

Q: How do you envision Fair Haven in five years?

A: Although I envision Fair Haven having the same quaint village feel, I would like to use the next few years to assist in redeveloping the River Road area for reasons of safety, aesthetics and increased commercial ratables. I also would like to evaluate all of the borough properties to determine the most efficient use.

Q: Do you have any ideas for lowering taxes?

A: Council has an unenviable job of balancing expenditures to provide necessary services and capital improvements with a ratable base that is more than 95 percent residential. Also, the borough’s portion of the tax bill represents less than one-third of the total tax bill, with the county and schools making up the balance. Therefore, I cannot promise to lower taxes. I would use my position as an elected official to make contact with our county officials to request funds to offset the costs of some of our expenses/projects. Fair Haven residents send a fair amount of their tax dollars to Freehold, and I would like to see some of those dollars come back.

Q: Do you think Fair Haven should provide affordable housing for middle- and lower-income residents?

A: I certainly would not want to see anyone have to move out of Fair Haven because they could not afford to live here. Many of our seniors have indicated that this is a situation they may face. To alleviate this problem, I would be supportive of state legislation to pay for schools through a source other than property taxes or to provide tax relief to certain qualified residents. I also would be supportive of providing housing opportunities for seniors who would otherwise need to move out.

Q: What knowledge and experience could you bring to the council?

A: My first tenure on council was very useful in giving me an understanding of the day-to-day needs of a municipality. I would like to use that prior experience, along with my experience as an attorney, to find ways to redevelop certain areas of Fair Haven to not only enhance its attractiveness but to expand its ratable base.


Doug Katich

Age: 35

Occupation: Attorney, partner in Katich, Werse & Petillo

Biography: Member of Fair Haven Zoning Board of Adjustment, 1999 to present; married for 10 years to a Fair Haven native; lived in town for 10 years; has one daughter, Gracie, age 2 1/2.

Q: If you are elected to the Borough Council, what would you like to accomplish?

A: I would like to bring long-range planning, cohesiveness and efficiency to Fair Haven.

Q: What are some of your ideas for lowering taxes?

A: The Town Council only has control over approximately 20 percent of every dollar collected from town residents in the form of taxes; however, I feel strongly that the council should appoint a special commission and should oversee the expansion of the business district in town in a manner that is also consistent with the town’s historic character and charm. A higher commercial ratable — though not a panacea — would help ameliorate some of the tax burden upon town residents.

Q: Do you think Fair Haven should provide affordable housing for middle- and lower-income residents?

A: This is a delicate balancing act and should be undertaken carefully and in a manner that is consistent with the nature and character of the town. Hopefully, this goal can be achieved through proper planning and creative private development.

Q: What experience would you bring to the borough council?

A: I have served on the Fair Haven Zoning Board for four years. Zoning has one of the biggest impacts on town residents. For most of us, our homes are our largest assets. As a Zoning Board member, I have acquired a unique understanding of the important concerns that residents have in this town with overdevelopment and also the clash of these zoning concerns with the desire of many residents to get the most value out of their homes to off-set the high property taxes paid in town.

Q: What can you offer to Fair Haven that no other candidate can?

A: I feel I have a unique perspective on the town. I am a young professional and I represent a large demographic of the population as this is a town that is becoming younger. I have young children and maintain my offices in town. What happens in Fair Haven has a major influence on both my family and my business. I believe that through my legal training and public service I have the ability to look at problems de novo and come up with new and creative solutions. I am not afraid to take an unpopular stance on an issue that I believe in.


Thomas J. Gilmour

Age: 53


Director of Economic Development, City of Asbury Park

Biography: Four-year council member; three-year Planning Board member; chairman of the Emergency Services Committee and the Planning, Zoning and Public Affairs Committee; member of Monmouth County’s Open Space Committee; Rumson-Fair Haven Hockey Association trustee; former vestry member of Episcopal church; married with three children.

Q: What experience/qualifications would you bring to the borough’s governing body?

A: I work in a municipal environment every day. Combined with my past four years of service, I bring an in-depth understanding of what it takes to run a town on a day-to-day basis. My 12 years of zoning and planning experience have helped to preserve open space and prevent overbuilding. My intent is to preserve the charm and character that has made Fair Haven one of the Monmouth County’s most desirable places to live and raise a family.

Q: What ideas do you have for lowering taxes?

A: Over 40 percent of the municipal budget is dedicated to contractual salaries and wages. We are working to eliminate overtime and we are reviewing borough staffing to improve efficiencies. In addition to reducing expenses, we are looking to increase revenue from sources other than taxes. At the present time, we are reviewing fee income, business licenses and the possible location of a revenue-producing cell tower in the borough. The Finance Committee, with the assistance of the new borough administrator and resident professionals, is developing a five-year capital and operating plan. I have also been working with the county to assist us financially with the improvements of River Road.

Q: Do you think Fair Haven should provide affordable housing for middle- and lower-income residents?

A: I am very concerned that my children might not be able to afford to live in Fair Haven. Our senior population also has voiced their concerns. Changes need to be made with the present state property tax structure to provide alternative funding for our schools. I am very much in favor of formulating a plan to address this issue.

Q: If you are re-elected, what specifically would you like to accomplish?

A: I would work hard to stabilize ever-increasing property taxes. During the next three years, we hope to create a plan for the River Road business district that is funded by the county and state.

Q: What can you bring to Fair Haven that no other candidate can?

A: I bring significant business and municipal experience to the position. I will continue to leverage this experience to serve our community with honesty and integrity.