Your Turn

Resident says a little bit of courtesy can go a long way, especially during the holiday season
Michael Liloia
Guest Column

Your Turn Resident says a little bit of courtesy can go a long way, especially during the holiday season Michael Liloia Guest Column

Resident says a little bit of courtesy can go a long way, especially during the holiday season
Michael Liloia
Guest Column

Ye Olde Gas Tax Revolt of 2003Ye Olde Gas Tax Revolt of 2003

It was several weeks ago, in my favorite coffee spot, that I was surprised by the generosity of a gentleman who held the door for me and said "good morning" as he passed.

Now that gentleman seems long gone. I almost forgot what I thought were common manners among those who were raised the way I was.

Thanksgiving means a lot of different things to people. To some, the day is just like any other, to others, the enjoyment of family and friends. It also means the shopping season is here. That will undoubtedly add even more chaos and rush-rush-rush to our schedules.

Take a look around next time you are in your favorite coffee spot. How many people actually are polite to each other? How many people do you see hold the door for each other, or even so much as say "thanks" or "hello?" Never mind even saying or mumbling any words at all, how many people even so much as look at each other?

Let’s try to remember something people, a little bit of courtesy goes a long way. Why not take the time to smile at another person as you enter the store? It doesn’t cost a thing, and will most certain make someone’s day.

The very time of year we should be enjoying each other, we seem to be at each other’s throats even more so than usual. Step back, take a deep breath and then start your day.

Rather than run the yellow light on the way down the road, stop the car and relax a minute. Listen to the tune on the radio and sing out loud. Take your time while getting ready to go out shopping. Put on a CD and dance like no one is looking.

Go grab a cup of coffee and sip it, enjoy it, and don’t just let the door slam on the man or woman who is carrying three cups of coffee out the door. Hold it for them and say hello.

When you get to the mall or shopping center, don’t worry about fighting for the second or third parking spot by the door. Park wherever and enjoy the walk to the door. Imagine you may actually be able to talk to your spouse and/or child(ren) while walking in, or if you are alone, just enjoy the walk.

Christmas or Hanukkah, whatever you celebrate, I wish a happy and healthy one to you all. The season that is among us does not mean we have to rush around and forget about being civil to one and other.

Try it. See what happens. I bet you could actually start an epidemic. Being polite –– imagine that? It doesn’t take much effort and I bet you may enjoy it.

Let’s forget about a bunch of things and just relax this holiday season. I bet you find it more enjoyable.

Michael A. Liloia is a resident of Brick Township