115 years ago
   The lot of Mrs. N.D. Thompson, on Prince Street, south of Park Street, has been purchased by E. Perry and Benjamin Jobes. The old post office property on the avenue adjoining Capt. Lacy’s property has also been sold.
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   Dr. R. Watson Gilder, editor of the Century Magazine, and Ms. William Gilder, the Arctic explorer, and their sister, Miss Jeanette Gilder, editor of the Critic, are in town this week on account of the illness of their aunt, Miss Nutt.
95 years ago
   A movement to have local merchants close their stores at six-thirty every evening except Saturday, started several weeks ago by D. Shipps and Son, is gaining headway. Harrison G. Wright announces that his store will close at the hour named, beginning on the 15th.
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   Thieves made away with a valuable gray horse and a buggy, belonging to Henry H. Black, of Jobstown, on Monday night. They left Black’s wagon along the road, and, taking another one from Gilbert Fennimore of Mansfield Square, drove to this city. Here, in driving through Oliver street, they became confused, lost their bearings, and, when the horse became tangled up in a sewer barricade, they deserted the rig. Employees of the sewer contractor found the rig there on Tuesday morning and turned it over to Marshal Thorn. Later, horse and buggy were restored to their respective owners unharmed.
80 years ago
   A life-sized portrait bust of the late August Zeller, famous sculptor, recently modeled by Richard Thomas, our lo cal sculptor, has been accepted and is now on exhibition at the Academy of Arts, Philadelphia. Mr. Thomas studied under Zeller and much of his remarkable success in his chosen field he attributes to the great ability of his teacher.
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   Isadore Spoletini has disposed of the Bordentonian Confectionery business to Tony Angelo of Trenton, who has already taken possession.
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   Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Eckman are now enjoying motoring in a new 1925 model Overland Sedan, recently purchased from Neil Dunn of Allentown.
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   The quarterly test for scholars in the Bordentown Hebrew School took place this week. The young scholars made a fine showing and three who passed with highest honors were awarded prizes of fountain pens.
   (Compiled by Vanessa S. Holt from the Bordentown Register, 1889-1924).