Candidate search continues

New Hanover officials look for individual to replace recently resigned committeeman, Patrick G. Malloy.

By: Eve Collins
   NEW HANOVER — Officials have encountered a problem in the search for someone to replace former Township Committeeman Patrick G. Malloy, who resigned recently.
   Mr. Malloy, 69, who served his 37th year as mayor in 2003, resigned effective Feb. 1 in anticipation of his sentencing for witness tampering in a federal investigation.
   As the head of the local Democratic Party, he named three candidates to take his place, including his son, Patrick C. Malloy.
   The other two candidates are Norman Eckley and Robert Clugston, according to current Mayor Sharon Atkinson. Mr. Malloy Sr. submitted the names last week, she said.
   Mr. Malloy’s replacement will finish the last year in his three-year term.
   Mayor Atkinson said the governing body hit a snag when a member of the public at the Township Committee meeting on Monday pointed out that Mr. Eckley is a registered Republican.
   Township Clerk/Administrator Geoffrey Urbanik said officials consulted the township attorney on the matter to determine if the candidates must be of the same party as the person who resigned.
   "They are waiting on clarification from the attorney on how they would be able to proceed with Mr. Eckley, if at all," he said.
   "We went ahead and interviewed everybody, but we have to find another Democrat," Mayor Atkinson said Tuesday. Mr. Malloy will have to submit that name as well, she said, and the committee will also interview that candidate. Officials have to make a decision by March 2, she said.
   Mr. Malloy could not be reached for comment on the issue Tuesday, but said on Monday that all the candidates were well liked in the town.