School coverage appreciated

To the editor

    I was pleased to see several articles recently concerning extracurricular activities that go on at the high school. Your coverage of sports is an extensive section every week, but the public (and even parents of high school students) may not be aware of some of the ongoing clubs and worthwhile pursuits of other groups of students.
   Specifically, I was thrilled to see two recent front-page articles. The first was about PALS — a new club at the high school that provides opportunities for socialization between typical teens and students in special ed. programs — and the second was about the Mathletes (Jan. 22).
   I have seen other articles sporadically about the Robotics Club or Model Congress as well. I look forward to reading more about various activities in which our students participate — whether academic (such as the Academic team, science clubs, mock trial, National Honor Society and National Language Honor Societies), recreational (chess, philosophy, Japanese anime), or performing arts (school plays, musicals, choral and band concerts).
   While many of the academic teams participate in monthly competitions, other clubs work toward one or two big annual events.
   Similar efforts might also be made for Hillsborough Middle School student coverage. The Beacon used to print the names of students who achieved "high honors" or "highest honors," but I haven’t see that section for the last year or so.
   Thank you for providing coverage regarding all our students.

Kathy Abuschinow
Labaw Court

Editor’s note: Hillsborough schools have stopped releasing honor roll lists due to the privacy concerns of parents, but we will always endeavor to bring readers as many stories about students and school clubs as we can.