La Leche League plans meetings for March 2, 3

La Leche League plans
meetings for March 2, 3

La Leche League of South River, a support group for expectant and nursing mothers in Middlesex and Monmouth counties, will hold its monthly meetings at 7:30 p.m. on March 2 and 10:30 a.m. on March 3 at the South River Library, 55 Appleby Ave.

Topic will be "Avoiding Nursing Difficulties." Babies, new mothers and mothers-to-be are welcome.

The group shares information on par­enting and mothering choices with moth­ers in South River, East Brunswick, Spotswood, Monroe, Jamesburg, Old Bridge, Sayreville, Matawan and Aberdeen. For more information and directions to the library, call Nancy at (732) 698-1607.