Neve Shalom will hold Metuchen blood drive

Congregation Neve Shalom will hold a blood drive at 250 Grove Ave., Metuchen, in the Miller Ballroom on March 7 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.

The blood drive is in memory of Michael Allan Thompson, son of Neve Shalom members, Dorothy and Ed Thompson who are sponsoring this drive.

All members of the community are strongly encouraged to give blood to help replenish the current supply, which has been badly depleted in recent months.

In order to be a donor, you must bring a photo ID and be at least 18 years of age (17 with the written permission of a parent or guardian). All those who register will receive special gifts in appreciation of their participation.

If anyone intends to give blood, please send an e-mail, indicating your preferred time of donation to [email protected]