Worldwide gymnasts dominate state meet

Gymnasts from Worldwide Gymnastics took first place as a team at the USAG Level 4 state championships recently.

In addition, the girls set 11 new Level 4 state records, and recorded the highest team score (116.55) in state history.

In age 6 competition, Laurie Lacher took sixth on the bars and floor, and seventh on the beam, while Meghan Masicitis and Baggy Skolnik both qualified for their first state meet.

In age 8 competition, Courtney Horstman took first in the all-around (AA) after recording first-place finishes on the vault, bars and beam, while Katie Buell took third in the AA and first on the floor.

Jen Manzi also took first in the AA (new state record — 38.60), after winning the beam (state record — 9.8), floor (state record (9.65) and vault.

In age 9 competition, Ashley Molyneux took second in the all-around, after winning the floor exercise (state record — 9.7) and bars, and taking second on the vault and beam.

At age 10, Lauren Walsh took first in the AA (state record — 38.775), and also set state records in winning the beam (9.8) and floor (9.7). She also won the vault and took second on the bars.

Megan Marshall took second in the AA after taking first on the bars, and second on the vault, beam and floor.

In age 11 competition, Becky Jolibois set three new state records in winning the AA (38.50), beam (9.60) and floor (9.75). Shealyn Coyle took second in the AA and floor, and third on the beam and vault. Marissa Simone was sixth in the AA after taking first on the vault and fourth on the bars. Stephanie Bulkowski was seventh in the AA, and took third on the bars.