Save Sandy Hook re-elects officers, board

Save Sandy Hook, the citizens’ organization opposing private/commercial development on Fort Hancock, recently held its second annual meeting and re-elected a slate of officers and trustees.

Judith Stanley Coleman, of Middletown, was re-elected chairwoman and Ben Forest, of Red Bank, was re-elected vice chairman

James M. Coleman Jr., of Middletown, was re-elected as recording secretary and James P. Allen, of Tinton Falls, was re-elected as treasurer.

Other trustees re-elected were Ron Gumbaz and Rosemary Bagwell, of Middletown, Trudy Ditmar, of Colts Neck, George Moffatt, of Oceanport, Tara Ryan Killeen, of Highlands, Carole Balmer, of Holmdel, Joseph Szostak, of Fair Haven, Edward Dlugosz, of Eatontown, Steve Szulecki, of Highlands, and Patricia A. and Peter P. O’Such Jr., of Fair Haven.

Save Sandy Hook was founded two years ago to oppose the National Park Service’s plan to lease to a local real estate developer 36, to as many as 78, historic Fort Hancock buildings.

Developer Sandy Hook Partners proposes to rehabilitate and sublease the historic structures to tenants that will include commercial businesses.

Save Sandy Hook claims privatizing the buildings will lead to commercialization of the Fort, which will reduce beach access, increase traffic, hurt local businesses, and adversely affect conservation.

Attorneys for the group have filed suit seeking to rescind the lease.