ACROSS THE FENCE by Kara Fitzpatrick: New structure aims to offer better social content

Increase in information from around town brings a need for social pages’ revamping.

By: Kara Fitzpatrick
   Like many others, I have a New Year’s resolution.
   Actually, I have a few — most of which you wouldn’t find remotely interesting.
   However, one of my resolutions directly affects the readers of The Cranbury Press.
   In an effort to provide our readers with information in an easier-to-read format, I plan to inject a bit of order into the social pages.
   The point of this resolution — yes, there is one besides giving me something to focus on as I wallow in my post-holiday bliss — is to make this section more readable and interesting.
   So, starting this month, the social calendars in The Cranbury Press will have a schedule — something to provide some rhyme and reason.
   As part of this revamping, not everything will be able to run every week. However, we will have a schedule that will allow our Things to Do calendar to appear every week.
   Our other sections will run once or twice a month. And we will be sure to reserve plenty of space for those events in life — engagements or awards — that just don’t run on a schedule.
   Throughout the years, we have been lucky to have loyal readers who are sure not to forget us when announcing important happenings — from fundraisers to weddings and blood drives.
   The increase in information brings a need for a functional way for it to be presented. It is important to note that this change is being made solely to appeal to our readers, not to limit the amount of social content provided.
   Here are the changes we have in store for you. And remember, all deadlines are 5 p.m. Friday.
   Every week, as always, the standard Things to Do calendar, which includes anything from local magic shows and concerts to fundraisers and school events, will run.
   The deadline to submit entries for the Things to Do calendar remains the same — 5 p.m. the Friday before publication. Of course, the sooner information is sent, the better. Advance notice provides as much time as possible to spread the word about the happening.
   Senior calendars — which include events, seminars, trips and more — will now be published the second and fourth weeks of the month. Deadline to submit an item for the senior calendar will be the first or third Friday of the month, depending on when the event is and how much advance notice is desired.
   Library news and happenings, an integral part of our community, will be published the third week of the month. Those who wish to get the word out about something library-related should do so by the second Friday of the month.
   Recently, a new section was added to the social pages in order to inform the community about educational opportunities. This listing, called classes and forums, will be published on an as-needed basis. There is no strict deadline to submit items for that forum — just provide enough advance notice so your information can be released.
   As I said before, because not everything that merits a celebration or is worthy of publication in the social section — such as engagements announcements or campus news — can be planned, plenty of space will be devoted to those things that are less predictable.
   There are no specific deadlines for those various special events; send the announcements along as they happen and we will publish them as soon as we can.
   This restructuring is in no way intended to limit the amount of information you receive from the social section of our paper. Rather, it is designed to provide you with more information — organized and easy to navigate.
   Please, as always, provide us with input on this new concept. We will be glad to consider suggestions.
   Because without feedback, how else will I determine if this resolution was a success?
Kara Fitzpatrick is the social editor of the South Brunswick Post and The Cranbury Press. She can be reached at (732) 329-9214 or via e-mail at [email protected].