Jackson groups will sponsor resource fair

JACKSON – The Special Education Advisory Council and the Jackson Parent-to-Parent support group will join forces to sponsor the first Disability Resource Fair, to be held from 6-9 p.m. April 20 at the Crawford Rodriguez Elementary School, 1025 Larsen Road.

The fair will be open to the public and all interested parents and educators are welcome to attend. Children are also welcome and activities for them will be provided.

Superintendent of Schools Thomas Gialanella commended the Special Education Advisory Council and the Jackson Parent-to-Parent support group for planning the event.

“It is a chance for parents, caregivers and educators to come together to learn about different resources all under one roof,” Gialanella said. “It is a great example of what can happen when a group of caring, resourceful people put their minds together to do something good.”

The fair will feature exhibits by provider agencies, information about specialized camps, social skills, life organizers, financial planning and advocacy resources.

Exhibitors will be available to answer questions and provide information for disabilities such as autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder and other learning disabilities.

“There will be tables set up and information will be available,” said Pattie Carollo, parent spokesperson for the event.

“The aim of the fair is to help parents find resources in our area,” Carollo said. “These are things that their children need, like social skills groups, camps, advocacy [programs], and learning about individualized learning plans.”

For more information contact Pattie Carollo at (732) 886-9584.