It is incomprehensible to me that the Bayshore area has to be concerned with improperly treated waste that is allowed to exit sewer plants as reported by the Monmouth County Health Department.
Last week’s rainfall caused “sludge cakes” or raw sewage, including syringes and tampons, to wash up on beaches in Middletown and Union Beach as reported by health officials.
The previous week I witnessed sludge including plastics, syringes and tampon dispensers washing up on the Sea Bright beach on a relatively calm day.
I gathered 10 golf balls, six of which were clearly identified with a large “B” logo along a one mile stretch which only hours before had been a clean beach.
One of the golf balls so identified was given to a patrolling Sea Bright policeman who was filling. out a report concerning the sewage.
Why isn’t sewage properly processed regardless of rainfall? Surely, we should be beyond combined storm and sanitary systems.
Jame Duncan