Book compiles articles that promote good health


Keeping up with advice from experts on self-improvement and finding ways to improve one’s health became easier because of the efforts of two Marlboro residents.

David Riklan and Dr. Joseph Cilea created a compendium of articles by health experts in a book titled “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health.”

“Each chapter presents general information with the ability to take the next step to find more detailed information,” said Riklan, the president and founder of Self Improvement Online Inc., a 10-yearold Internet and publishing company. “A reader can focus on what to do now and later.”

The book, which was published in 2007, has nine categories: Better Health Through Self Improvement; Diet and Nutrition; Energy Healing; Fitness and Exercise; Hidden Health Dangers; Holistic Health; Physical and Mental Disorders; Stress and Mental Health; and Vitamins, Minerals and Nutritional Supplements.

“The book is not meant to be read cover to cover, though it can be,” said Riklan, a native of Yonkers, N.Y., who holds a chemical engineering degree from State University of New York, Buffalo. “A person reads a chapter of interest and builds on it through the material provided, including related Web sites. Then they can choose another topic.”

Many of the articles contain references, a bibliography and a biography of the expert with information on contacting the author who was selected after an editorial staff review.

“After an industry-wide search for health professionals, we request a submission of articles that then are carefully reviewed,” Riklan said. “In addition to well-known experts, we include lesser known professionals with expertise in specific areas of interest, too.”

This is Riklan’s fifth book. The first, “The 101 Experts Who Help Us Improve Our Lives” was published in 2004 and was followed by three volumes of “101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life.”

When Riklan wanted to expand into writing a book about health, he contacted Cilea, a chiropractor who rented space in the same Marlboro office building he did. Riklan, a patient of Cilea’s, asked Cilea to write an article for the book and join its editorial staff.

“The book is a resource manual for everyone who wants to take responsibility for their health,” said Cilea, whose chiropractic practice includes the Advanced Wellness Center with physical therapy, acupuncture and pain management services. “Bad health is not bad luck, but bad living. The answer to good health is not a pill or a lotion. It’s within ourselves to be proactive with our lifestyle and our eating habits.”

A native of Queens, N.Y., Cilea is a graduate of Marlboro High School, where he played baseball for the Mustangs. He graduated from Villanova University, Villanova, Pa., in 1991 and received his doctorate of chiropractic from Life University, Georgia, in 1995.

In “Synergizing Your Hormones for Weight Loss,” his article for the book, Cilea explains how hormones create huge breakthroughs in a body’s ability to lose weight. The program in the article is centered on the body’s natural ability to gain lean muscle, lose weight and fat, and do this without overworking joints.

Diabetes is another concern for Cilea.

“We are seeing type 2 diabetes in younger and younger children,” he said. “Too much processed and refined food is the problem. I hope this book impacts a few people and changes their lifestyle for improved health. Then, hopefully they will go on to change the lives of others.”

“101 Great Ways to Improve Your Health” is available at select Borders and Barnes & Noble stores or their Web sites, as well as The book and further information can be obtained through Riklan’s Web site or Cilea’s Web site