Resident supports Budai and Johnson in Manalapan

My husband, Alan, and I have been involved in our Manalapan community for a very long time. I have been on the recreation board for many years and he was a soccer coach. We took up the fight to stop a cell tower going up in our neighborhood and we both are active members of the Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT).

I can only say that the political atmosphere inManalapan is atrocious. It is ruining our town’s reputation as a “great place to live.” That is why wemade the conscious decision to leave the “what’s in it for me” party bosses behind and do what we believe is the right thing.

We have learned that the right thing is not always the easy thing to do. We have friends on both sides and it was a very difficult decision for us to make.

We are elected county committee people, District 14, and not appointed by the municipal chairman. We have held this position for several years and are running on the Manalapan Republican line, Column 3. The cutthroat, divisive tactics of the old guard leadership repulsed us.

Good hardworking residents have been traded for the “yes men” and “Johnny come lately.” Election outcomes were manipulated, and this year is the first time a Republican primary for Township Committee will give voters a choice of candidates. Only you can determine the outcome by voting and make no bones about it, every vote will count and make a difference.

If you are a registered Republican or an undeclared, make that difference. Think of your community and send the party bosses packing out of Manalapan. Send them a message and vote in the June 3 primary, Column 3 for Butch Budai and Steve Johnson and all the residents under the Manalapan Republican line.

If you want to be represented by individuals that care about your community, are involved and will vote their conscience, and not how they are ordered to vote, help us.
Rebecca Ginsberg