Voters should determine who will be a good leader

Who is a “good” leader? It’s not an idle question. Your tax dollars and mine are tied to an answer. Our quality of life is affected by that definition.

A good leader listens to people and responds to their broader agenda, instead of just special interest groups.

Sadly, to those in power and who want to retain it, doing harm seems to be more important than respecting, or even hearing, a different view. Harm is caused when reputations are distorted.

As an example, a friend of mine, Butch Budai, was recently subjected to published attacks on his personal reputation. Name-calling and denigration were the tools used to negatively “define” his character. I’ve worked with Butch on township volunteer projects and found him to be honest, creative and willing to extend himself solely to help others.

A selfless leader like Butch who has built a broad record of achievement should not be subjected to such shameless, despicable and bigoted attacks.

Everyone who campaigns for a public office should be respected. Negative and prejudicial distortions are fearful reminders of small-minded bigotry, which we, as voters, need to reject.

Voters should demand facts concerning each candidate’s skills and performance history. To that end, each voter should ask:

• Is this person respectful of others, showing humility through a history of listening, understanding and responsiveness in a manner that does not harass or demean, even if there is disagreement?

• Has this person a track record of doing volunteer work in this township, working as part of a team to help on projects that enhance our quality of life?

• Does this person have a history of appreciating the special qualities of our township employees and volunteers; in particular our police department, fire and emergency services personnel?

• Has this person demonstrated imagination and creativity in solving problems affecting our township?

If the answer to all of those questions is yes, then that person would be a “good leader” worthy of your vote. Respect yourself; don’t vote “brand name.” Demand facts, focus on the person as an individual and vote with care.
Bruce K. Brickman