‘The Everglades — Vanishing Splendor’

"Great Blue Heron Rising" “Great Blue Heron Rising” An exhibit of photographs of the Florida Everglades will open Friday at McKay Imaging Photography Studio and Gallery in Red Bank.

“The Everglades – Vanishing Splendor,” photographs by Anthony Almeida, will run through Oct. 23 at the gallery, located on the second floor at 12 Monmouth St. There will be an opening reception Friday 7-10 p.m.

In an artist’s statement, Almeida describes his concern for the future of the Ever- glades, threatened by devel – opment and global warming.

“Per- haps today, more than ever before, the life-supporting Everglades ecosystem, this seemingly dauntless planetary force, has become an imperiled subtropic anvil upon which mismanagement, urban development and the effects of global warming are endlessly impacting.

Almeida writes that water flowing from Lake Okeechobee has historically nourished the Everglades but has been diverted, resulting in an “insufficient supply of water to the Everglades’ ecosystem, which

depends upon it for its survival.”

"Everglades Landscape I" “Everglades Landscape I” In the south, he states, the Glades’ flooding due to global warming threatens the ecosystem and, ultimately, coastal areas worldwide.

“This, my most recent work, is a lasting display of gratitude to this river, hopefully, endlessly flowing, for what it has given me and for what it has awakened in me,” he writes. “It is a mighty conjurer, which casts a powerful spell, wherein the eternal can somehow be sensed in the moment. It is my hope that my images serve as emissaries whose mission it is to awaken you to the endless wonders of this unique imperiled land, and in a small way celebrate the beauty and majesty of that which we stand to lose — a vital connection

with the wild and the free.” Almeida is a fine arts photographer, educator and photo-documentarian. He spent many years teaching English and photography in a high school in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, N.Y. His photographic work is extremely diversified, and he has been the recipient of numerous awards. His work has been shown in national and international shows and is in private, personal and educational collections.

"Infinite Sky" “Infinite Sky”