Adults invited to lectures, workshops

The East Brunswick Public Library, Jean Walling Civic Center, will host several upcoming adult workshops and lectures. The events are sponsored by the Friends of the East Brunswick Library.

“Open Public Forum Series: Healthcare Reform” is set for 2-4 p.m. March 28. The informal discussion of the high cost and inefficiency of the current healthcare system and will be moderated by Joel Schwartz, D.C.H

ealthcare-reform options will be discussed. Suggestions from the forum will be submitted to the new administration in Washington.

Author Jamie Novak will offer “Clean Up and Get Rich?” 7-8:30 p.m. March 30. Novak will reveal the top 10 clutter traps that are costing individuals hundreds of dollars every year and will share information on how to put that money back in one’s pocket by organizing key areas of life. She will share no-cost organizational tips and advice on how to value, then how and where to easily sell unwanted items.

“Job Hunting in Tough Times” will take place 7-8:30 p.m. April 1. Chrystal McArthur and Janet Jones, associate directors, Career Services, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, will offer new strategies for conducting a job search in a challenging economy.

For more information on all programs, call 732-390-6767 or go to the library’s website at and click on News and Events.