Tell local officials you’ll pass on liquefied natural gas

It is tough being the middle sibling of a large family, especially when that family has more than 200 members. Now throw in the fact that a group of private investors wants to come in and build right over my property, and life can get downright scary.

The Atlantic Sea Island Group is proposing to build an island 19 miles off Sea Bright — 14 times the size of Giants Stadium — which would smother up to 140 acres of seafloor. This proposed facility would devastate my entire community, putting the lives and future generations at risk. The neighborhoods in which my friends and I thrive would be destroyed for a facility that only has a 40-year operating-life expectancy. By the way, did I mention I am a sea bass?

This island would be used to import liquefied natural gas — a polluting fossil fuel — most likely from Russia or the Middle East. The U.S. already has an abundance of natural gas and we are trying to wean ourselves from foreign fossil fuels, not get addicted to another.

So please email, call or schedule visits with your elected officials and tell them when it comes to liquefied natural gas, we’ll pass. Think your voice doesn’t matter? Think again — at least you have one. So far, more than 40 groups in New York/New Jersey have “schooled” together to oppose these plans.
Leslie Weinberg