Township institutes special-needs registry

The East Brunswick Office of the Mayor and Office of Emergency Management have developed a new, voluntary, comprehensive registry for residents who need extra assistance during any emergency situation.

The service is designed to identify individuals who will need extra care in times of need and to give greater peace of mind to those citizens, their families and caregivers. The registry will help first responders know who to help in advance during an emergency situation when time is of the essence.

The township urges the participation of all residents (regardless of age) who are ill, frail, suffering from Alzheimer’s or a similar condition, homebound, nonambulatory, have impaired eyesight or hearing, or are using life-sustaining treatments or oxygen. All information collected is confidential, will not be available to the public, and will be held securely and only used for emergency response and planning.

East Brunswick’s program will interface with the Middlesex County Office of EmergencyManagement Special Needs Registry when that program debuts in fall 2009. A resident’s township registration will be automatically transferred to the county’s registry.


egistration forms are available on the

East Brunswick website at www.eastbrunswick. org, and at the library, senior center, recreation office and township clerk’s office.

For more information, call Austin Kosik, emergency management coordinator, at 732-390-6947.