Holt, Pallone have done their duty with health care votes

AARP thanks Reps. Rush Holt and Frank Pallone for their votes in favor of better health care for every New Jerseyan. With the passage of the Affordable Health Care for America Act (HR- 3962), we are one step closer to a stronger Medicare for seniors and future generations, and stable, affordable health care options for all Americans.

The House of Representatives plan protects and strengthens Medicare, reduces outof pocket prescription drug costs by closing the dreaded Part D “doughnut hole” and allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, and covers some preventive care free of charge.

It stops insurance companies from denying affordable coverage because of age or health, and limits how much insurance companies can make people pay out of pocket.

For those who have no insurance or cannot afford it, the House plan offers affordable health insurance options. Seniors and people with disabilities will be offered benefits that make it easier for them to live in their own homes and communities.

While AARP is pleased to see this important step forward, the fight is not over. We are going to keep working with representatives Holt and Pallone and other members of the House and Senate to ensure any final health care reform bill meets the needs of older Americans.

Jim Dieterle

AARP New Jersey Senior State Director
