MTFEE continues its quest to enhance educational experience

Foundation planning array of events to fund grants for Millstone schools


JEFF GRANIT staff Over the years, the Millstone Township Foundation for Educational Excellence (MTFEE) has remained steadfast in its goal to “fund extraordinary educational experiences” for every student in the school district.

Millstone Township Middle School sixth-graders Rebecca Paglia (l) and Roman Hillis study a fossil of a velociraptor dinosaur with science teacher Beth Topinka. A Millstone Township Foundation for Educational Excellence grant provided the model. JEFF GRANIT staff Millstone Township Middle School sixth-graders Rebecca Paglia (l) and Roman Hillis study a fossil of a velociraptor dinosaur with science teacher Beth Topinka. A Millstone Township Foundation for Educational Excellence grant provided the model. JEFF GRANIT staff MTFEE President Paula Kinsey said that through the dedication and creativity of the teaching staff and the fundraising efforts of the MTFEE, the foundation is proud to have awarded more than $370,000 in grants to Millstone Township public schools. Grants have been awarded at every grade level and in every discipline.

According to Kinsey, each grant is evaluated on its own merit. “The decision to award the grant is based on the benefit to the children and how much it will enhance their education,” she said. “Each grant must also stay within the guidelines of the school district’s core curriculum.”

A model provided to the Millstone Township Middle School through a grant provided by the Millstone Township Foundation for Educational Excellence. JEFF GRANIT staff A model provided to the Millstone Township Middle School through a grant provided by the Millstone Township Foundation for Educational Excellence. JEFF GRANIT staff A rubric is used for scoring, and once the criteria are met, the MTFEE looks to see if there is sufficient funding. She added that grants have been awarded for as little as $200 and as much $40,000. If there are not enough funds for a particular grant, and all criteria are met, the foundation suggests the applicant reapply during the next cycle. The current grant cycle, number 17, has a deadline of noon Friday, Jan. 22, 2010.

Many nonprofits are struggling because of a drop in donations due to the state of the economy. When asked if the MTFEE had been affected, Kinsey noted that although nonprofits have been hit hard by the downturn in the economy, it is important to remember that people still want to give. She said it is the foundation’s goal to demonstrate that contributors should continue to support this valuable investment.

“Knowing this, we have increased our communication with our supporters and decided not to have our annual fall fundraising event this year,” explained Kinsey. “We are gearing up for a fabulous new event the last weekend in February, a cabaret, and the introduction of our 180 Day Campaign scheduled to launch after Thanksgiving.”

This program asks donors for $1 a day for each of the 180 days of school and for “extraordinary learning,” and the goal is to raise at least $50,000 with this campaign alone. Some other events include the Millstone Kitchen Tour in April and a golf outing in October.

“The more funds we can raise, the more we can give back to every child who matriculates through the Millstone Township school district,” she said.

For those who are unfamiliar with the MTFEE, Kinsey said she wants parents and residents to know that it is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit volunteer organization, operating independently from the school district. It strives to enrich children’s educational experiences by providing opportunities that are not available without private funds; the grant fund is replenished exclusively through donations and fundraising.

The MTFEE provides grant funding for innovative and exciting classroom programs, educational opportunities, staff development, and state-of-the-art teaching materials that are beyond the scope of the general school budget, Kinsey said. Also, in order to continue the group’s mission and grow, the foundation is always looking for people who might be interested in donating their time, talent or connections. The next monthly meeting will be Dec. 10 at 9:30 a.m. in the Middle School Guidance Conference Room 146.

The MTFEE is currently accepting applications for new trustees. For more information, visit the MTFEE website at JEFF GRANIT staff