Residents sought to fill Howell boards


Several appointments were made during the Howell Township Council’s annual reorganization meeting, but officials are still seeking applicants for various professional and volunteer positions.

Among the appointments made on Jan. 5 were seats on the Environmental Commission, Ordinance Review Advisory Committee, Planning Board, Recreation Advisory Committee and the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

Also designated was the position of deputy mayor of the governing body — a role that Angela Dalton was once again named to for the upcoming year. Township Attorney McKenna Kingdon administered the oath of office to Dalton as the deputy mayor’s daughter, Amanda Dalton, 21, held the Bible.

Dalton was appointed as a member of the Howell Planning Board.

Mayor Robert Walsh was reappointed as Howell’s liaison to the Monmouth County Board of Freeholders for 2010.

Despite making more than 40 appointments to township organizations, officials said Howell still lacks a substantial pool of applicants.

Due to these circumstances, positions on the Benevolent Animal Response Committee, Broadcast Media Advisory Committee, Citizens Action and Advisory Committee, Cultural Arts and Heritage Committee, Economic Development Committee and Farmers Advisory Committee are still open. The township is also in need of a liaison to the Freehold Regional High School District Board of Education.

“The people who serve the township, it’s a lot of time. I know it’s a lot of time away from your family, but it does make a huge difference in the town, and I’m going to ask anyone who wants to serve that we would be willing to look at an application and fill a position,” said Councilwoman Susan Schroeder Clark.

“It’s a large town with a lot of needs and a lot of people give of themselves in different ways. That’s what makes this town great, but we do need more help,” Walsh said.

The appointment of the town’s professionals was put on hold and the current professionals will remain until new appointments are made.

No appointments were made to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee for this year, in light of information that suggests the body is not needed in Howell.

“I spoke to our housing agent and a representative from the Council on Affordable Housing [COAH], and it appears as though the committee is not necessary since we do have an affordable housing agent,” Kingdon said.

She noted that the committee would not yet be disbanding in its entirety, but that the need for it will be explored at a later date.

In the public portion of the meeting, resident Ken Coffey inquired about the status of the Strategic Planning Committee, which was introduced as an option by Walsh in August and was to have been further discussed by the council in October.

Despite a perceived need for such a committee, officials said the implementation of the body might be put on hold.

“We are having different feelings about it now since there are a limited number of people who applied,” Walsh said. “We would need a committee larger than six people.”

Residents Paul Schneider, Glenn Cantor, Rob Johnson, Maria Livolsi, Marcie Nowicki and Grace Abramov expressed interest in serving on the Strategic Planning Committee, but Walsh said a larger group is necessary to incorporate a wide range of perspectives.

The mayor said the objectives of the Strategic Planning Committee could be merged into the Economic Development Committee. However, future plans have yet to be decided.

Anyone who is interested in serving as a volunteer or inquiring about open positions should contact Township Clerk Bruce Davis at 732-938-5200, ext. 2150.

An application is available for download at under Applications and Forms. The application asks for relevant experience and background information.