U.F. officials have difficult, complex task in front of them

These are very difficult times for the members of the Upper Freehold Township Committee.

They have had to tell firemen and public works employees they will no longer be able to keep them employed. Telling someone they will no longer have a job must be very stressful to a caring person.

At the April Township Committee meeting, the committee members listened to the Upper Freehold bus drivers’ plea to keep their jobs. The committee members are faced with the task of reducing the school budget. The reduction of state financial support has already cost teachers and other school workers their jobs. An additional reduction could cost the bus drivers their jobs.

I have seen enough privatizing of services to know it usually results in a significant reduction of service. With privatizing of service comes loss of control. In addition, the service is being given to a for-profit company that will provide the service at a savings to the school district. Think about what you are going to get under these circumstances.

We all recognize that there must be cuts in state and local municipality spending. We must all feel the pain. What I do not understand is how Gov. Chris Christie can justify a 4.3 percent increase in the payroll for the governor’s office. (Asbury Park Press, April 21). The average salary for the governor’s people is $74,913. Thirty-three people are making over $100,000, which is a 43 percent increase when compared to the Corzine administration. The average teacher’s salary in New Jersey is $56,682.

Sorry, Governor, I don’t feel your pain. If the payroll average in the governor’s office was the same as the average teacher’s salary, the state would save $2.1 million per year. If the sacrifice of the people in the governor’s office is too great, when compared to what they could make in the private sector, let them go back to the private sector and hire some of the unemployed teachers. A teacher’s focus is on providing a service. Salaries are secondary. Government workers should also focus on providing a service.

As the committee members proceed with their difficult task, any action taken may have serious consequences. Please proceed with caution. You have a difficult and complex task ahead of you. Thank you for serving our community. Your job is not easy.
Al Leister
Upper Freehold