Resident endorses Roses, Tanala and Levine for Howell board

Let’s consider the successes of Howell’s public schools. In the years since 1994, when Howell Middle School North opened its doors, Howell schools have continually raised the bar for student achievement. The district has met the challenges of providing students with a 21stcentury education and, in recent years, has exceeded the state average in every measurement of achievement.

This was accomplished despite numerous cuts in state aid and a long list of unfunded mandates. Today, Howell’s students receive a superior education and achieve at a level comparable to districts whose socioeconomic ranking is far above that of Howell and whose cost per pupil far exceeds that of Howell’s public schools. The district has been recognized as a model district and has received numerous accolades for its educational programs, most recently its technology, special education programs, and English Language Learners program.

It is with these successes in mind that I urge Howell residents to vote for Sherry Roses, Gene Tanala and Stephen Levine in the upcoming Howell Board of Education election. Each of these individuals has served in various capacities on the Board of Education and has contributed to the success of the Howell public schools.

Mr. Tanala, who chairs the finance committee, andMrs. Roses, who chairs the technology committee, along with their colleagues on the board, have presented the voters with a school budget that is below the allowable cap and restores the funding to programs that had been eliminated when last year’s budget was defeated and went to the Township Council for review.

They have always acted in what they believe is in the best interests of the education of Howell’s children. They do not want to micro-manage the district schools; rather, they recognize their role as policymakers regarding decisions that impact the delivery of education to our children.

Patricia Blood Howell