Full moon hike set for Aug. 1

JACKSON — The New Jersey Forest Service and the Jackson Pathfinders will host the annual Full Moon Hike on Aug. 1.

This free hike will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. at the Interpretive Center of the Forest Resource Education Center (FREC) on Don Connor Boulevard, Jackson. Families, scouts and groups of all ages are invited to join in the adventure.

The glow of the rising full moon will help light the way as the participants explore the native wildlife of the Pinelands. Visitors are encouraged to use their “night vision” and not rely on flashlights to see as twilight turns into night. Interpreters will stop at points along the trail to listen for birds, identify plants, and discuss wildlife. Wear sturdy footwear and bring insect repellent for this moderate hike, which will cover a distance of less than 1 mile.

For more information and directions, visit www.njforestrycenter.org, or call 732- 928-2360. The Forest Resource Education Center, located on more than 700 acres, is committed to providing exceptional conservation education programs that promote forest stewardship to all age groups at no cost, according to a press release.

The New Jersey Forest Tree Nursery uses 45 acres of the Jackson site to grow nearly 1,000,000 seedlings annually for reforestation throughout the state.

The Jackson Pathfinders are co-sponsoring the event and will serve light refreshments after the hike. Started in 1999, this volunteer organization works to maintain hiking trails, preserve open space and encourage pride in the community.

The Pathfinders meet on the third Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Jackson municipal building on West Veterans Highway and welcome new members and volunteers. Visit the website at http://jacksonpathfinders.org for more information.