Jaguar band garners awards

 The Jackson Jaguar Marching Band from Jackson Memorial High School performs at halftime of a New York Giants football game at MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, on Oct. 21.  KEN ROGALSKY The Jackson Jaguar Marching Band from Jackson Memorial High School performs at halftime of a New York Giants football game at MetLife Stadium, East Rutherford, on Oct. 21. KEN ROGALSKY JACKSON — On Oct. 20, the Jackson Jaguar Marching Band from Jackson Memorial High School won two Grand Champion awards in U.S. Band competitions.

Led by band director Bud McCormick and assistant band director Jason Diaz, the Jackson Jaguar Marching Band captured the highest overall score award at the competition at Hamilton West High School during the day, and then traveled to Manchester High School, where they achieved the highest overall score again, and their highest score so far this season, according to a press release.

On Oct. 21, the Jaguars performed in the New York Giants halftime show at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford.

The band members captured the attention of the tailgating crowd as they rehearsed in the parking lot. The Jaguars entertained the crowd by performing their classic rock show “Cover Band.” Spectators danced and clapped to “Bohemian Rhapsody,” “Paint It Black” and “Don’t Stop Believing.”

The Jackson Jaguar Marching Band is preparing to march in the Tournament of Roses Parade in Pasadena, Calif., on Jan. 1.

The band has been preparing and raising funds for the trip since being accepted into the parade more than a year ago. A total of 190 students will travel to California on Dec. 28 to march in the parade, according to the press release.

The Jaguars will also perform their marching band show at the traditional band fest at Pasadena College and march in the Disney Electric Light parade.

The band will kick off the countdown to Pasadena with a holiday concert on Dec. 12 at Jackson Memorial High School.

“This year we will feature the marching band and parade music along with the color guard, in addition to performances by our concert band, jazz band and woodwind ensemble,” said McCormick. “We hope the entire town of Jackson comes out that night and joins in our excitement as we prepare for the parade.”