Height of hypocrisy on Town Council

Max Ramos, Lawrence
Regarding the article “State seeks $1.4M in affordable housing funds” it’s good to hear Councilman Stephen Brame acknowledging that “one way to balance the budget is to take others’ money” and Municipal Attorney David Roskos saying the state’s actions are a “money grab,” “outrageous,” and “a shame.”
   The height of hypocrisy is in full view at Town Council. The same group of elected officials (Mr. Roskos notwithstanding) show disdain for others raiding “their” trust fund (taking others’ money) but have no qualms enacting a new bulk garbage fee, even though residents told them in a unified fashion that this new fee amounted to a hidden tax, money grab, and a sneaky way to balance the budget. Not only did they enact this 1.7-percent tax hike but they did so in a unanimous vote.
   Yes, in Lawrence Town Council it’s “Do as I say, not as I do.” Or better yet, “Taking other people’s money is OK, as long as we get our revenue.” Apparently this is how to lead in the 21st century.
Max Ramos
Mr. Ramos is a Republican candidate for Town Council.