HOPEWELL: Township covered now by two sewer utilities

Hopewell Township now has two sewer utilities instead of one. The change was enabled by an ordinance adopted unanimously by the full Township Committee Monday night.

By John Tredrea, Special Writer
   Hopewell Township now has two sewer utilities instead of one. The change was enabled by an ordinance adopted unanimously by the full Township Committee Monday night.
   No longer in existence now that the ordinance has been adopted is the Sewer Utility of Hopewell Township. It has been replaced by two utilities — the Ewing-Lawrence Sewer Utility of the Township of Hopewell and the Stony Brook Sewer Utility of the Township of Hopewell.
   Each of the new utilities covers a distinct geographic area. Each of those areas has its own sewage treatment facility.
   The text of the adopted ordinance states, in part, that “the purpose of creating the separate utilities is to allow the township to maintain separate financial records and separate budgets for the two sewer service areas and to ensure that monies collected in each service area will be used to cover expenses for that sewer service area.”
   The Ewing-Lawrence sewer service area is in the southeastern section of the township, including the large Brandon Farms development and other developments, including Wellington Manor and Hopewell Grant.
   More than 1,000 homes are in this area. Wastewater from this area is treated by the Ewing-Lawrence Sewerage Authority, under a contract with Hopewell Township.
   The Stony Brook sewer service area includes the Princeton Farms and Hopewell Hunt developments — about 200 homes in all — that are near Pennington-Rocky Hill Road in the east-central section of the township.
   Wastewater from this area is treated by the Stony Brook Regional Sewerage Authority, also under a contract with the township.