HILLSBOROUGH: Korean dance troupe to perform for Chapter A

Hillsborough Senior Corner column

Our April 2 meeting will feature Korean classical dance, led by Sunyoung Park, director of N.J. Dance Troupes, who will have several of her students perform at least the fan, drum and folk song dances.
We will also hear about the Shop Hillsborough program.
The May 7 meeting will have the presentation of songs of Neil Diamond and Frank Sinatra by Dr. Kalman Hirsch.
Trips & Programs
Thurs., April 16 — Appreciation luncheon in the multi-purpose room at 11:30 a.m. Wear black and white! Bingo from 1 to 3 p.m. Cost of $10 to sign up will be refunded at the event.
Thurs., April 30 — Gordon James, an entertainer, will perform in the Senior Activity Room at 1 p.m. Bring your favorite dessert to share.
Tues., May 12 — 9-11 Memorial and Museum in New York City, followed by lunch at Pugia’s in Little Italy. Cost is $69 for members or $79 for non-members.
Fri., June 19 – Luncheon cruise on the Spirit of New Jersey leaving from Liberty State Park. Narration of points of interest along the way, complete buffet and entertainment. Depart from Lowe’s at 10:15 a.m.
News & Notes
The next Pizza and Movie will be Wednesday, April 29, with lunch at noon in the Senior Activity Room. The movie is “North by Northwest” at 1 p.m.
Our members are invited to Chapter B bingo’s next date of Thursday, April 23. Doors open at 11:30 a.m.
All Hillsborough seniors age 60 and older are invited to join Chapter A. Younger spouses of seniors are also eligible for membership. Dues are $5 a year and new members may join at any meeting. Our membership chairman is Loretta Tansey at 908-359-1171.
Doors open at 11:30 a.m., allowing time to review upcoming events and make reservations. Refreshments are available at noon and after the meeting, too.
The rescue squad will be present at every regular meeting to check blood pressure.
Help our Food Bank by bringing an item to each meeting.
Visit us at WWW.HillsboroughSeniorsChapterA.webs.com.
— Gene Reinhardt, 
Publicity Chairperson 

Our next monthly meeting will feature our spring luncheon on Thursday, April 9, starting at a new time of noon. Doors will also open at a new time of 10:30 a.m., at which time members can buy tickets for upcoming trips and other events.
Bring your own sandwich if you want. Coffee and tea will be provided.
Tickets for the spring luncheon will be on sale at the meeting. It will be the last chance to sign up.
Basic lessons in bridge — a fun, stimulating card game — are being offered. Call Social Services at 908-369-3880 to sign up for free lessons to introduce the game to beginners.
Activities and Trips
Bingo’s next play is Thursday, April 23. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. Cost of $3 for one card, or $5 for two cards, includes two hot dogs, chips, drink, dessert, prizes.
A two-night trip to Villa Roma in Callicoon, N.Y., is scheduled for May 20-22. Three days includes six meals, nightly music and show, indoor sport complex with bocce, shuffleboard, ping pong, video games, swimming pool, Jacuzzi, etc. $320/double or $390/single. Tickets to be sold at the April meeting.
A trip to Monmouth Raceway is planned for Friday, June 19. The price of $75 includes transportation, grandstand seating, a program and dinner at Basile’s Restaurant in Freehold. Tickets will be sold at the April meeting.
A trip to Valley Forge Casino Resort is planned for Thursday, July 16. The price of $46 includes transportation, $30 free play and $15 food voucher. Tickets will be sold at the May meeting.
Community Events
Free exercise classes for all ability levels are available to all Hillsborough seniors in the municipal building Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for 45 minutes — right where we hold our meetings. Classes are led by certified instructors. Free transportation is available. Call 908-369-3880 for details. Current participants with regular attendance also enjoy many free classes at the Hillsborough YMCA.
— Chickie Haines 
Call 908-874-3231

Scrabble has been added to Tuesday activities at 10 a.m. in the Senior Activity Room in the municipal building. All seniors are invited.
Shuffleboard, pool table, darts and ping pong are available to all Hillsborough seniors. The computer room is fully equipped for your use and enjoyment.
Monday: Knitting, crocheting and needlepoint from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday: Bridge from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Tripoli at 1 p.m., cards from 1 to 3:30 p.m. and pinochle from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday: Mah jongg from noon to 4 p.m. Canasta from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Thursday: Bridge from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Friday: Mah jongg from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Adults age 60 and older are invited to visit the county-operated Hillsborough Senior Center at 339 South Branch Road. The center is open from 9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. Its phone is 908-369-8700.
Transportation is available.
An 8-week session of Zumba Gold will be held on Mondays, beginning April 13, at 1 p.m. Zumba is an aerobic fitness program featuring movements inspired by styles of Latin American dance. The fee is $40 for 8 classes; advanced registration is required. Forms are available at the Hillsborough Senior Center.
Enjoy lunch for a suggested donation of $1.50 or more. (Price for guests under 60 is $5.35). Call 908-369-8700 before 10:30 a.m. the day before to make a lunch reservation.
Center schedule:
Wed., April 8, 15, 22 and 29 — Body & Brain Yoga, 9:45-10:45 a.m. Lucy Pagnetti, 9:45-10:45 a.m. She will guide participants through light stretching, gentle flowing movements, deep breathing exercises and meditation. $5 suggested donation per class.
Fri., April 3 — Center closed for holiday.
Mon., April 6 — “Free Your Mind: An Intergenerational Mind Program For Creative Problem Solving” with the boys and girls from the Hillsborough Reformed Church, 10:45 a.m. Learn how seven local teenagers joined together to form a team that uses creative thinking to solve problems. You will get to see their regional performance and test your own skill at some of their spontaneous challenges.
Tues., April 7 — Visit to the Manville Senior Center for a performance by the Hillsborough Rocket and Rockettes.
Wed., April 8 — Book Club kickoff meeting, 10 a.m.
Wed., April 8 — Craft: Towel animal folding. Learn to make towel animals you see on cruise ships. Grandchildren are welcome. Bring a regular and a hand towel to learn the designs.
Thurs., April 9 and 15 — Bingo Bonanza, 10:45 a.m.
Fri., April 10 — Welcome spring luau, 10:45 a.m. Enjoy hula dancing lessons, island music, games, flower necklaces, tiki hut and a special themed lunch. Wear luau-inspired attire.
Mon., April 13 — Hand exercises and stretches, 10:15 a.m. Also, April Jeopardy quiz.
Tues., April 14, 21 and 28 — Canasta and mah jongg lessons at 10 a.m. and Mind Your Mind Total Brain Workout at 11:15 a.m. Solving puzzles or challenging yourself with mind-stretching activities can stimulate the brain and enhance the creative and critical-thinking processes.
Wed., April 15 — Lunch and learn as fiber artist Lois Maknick will lead the group in making a round reed basket using basic to special weave patterns and color reeds. The program is $6 per person. Lunch is available for a donation of $2 for those older than 60 and $6.99 for those younger than 60.
Thurs., April 16 — Name That Tune. Challenge your memory of old and new favorite songs.
Fri., April 17 — TED Talks, 10:15 a.m. A discussion series on technology, education and dance topics. A video precedes discussion.
Fri., April 17 — Craft: Mandala Art. Mandalas are created with intricate geometric patterns that are thought to represent the universe. The basic Mandala is a square with four “gates” containing a circle.
Mon., April 20 — Mind Your Mind Total Brain Workout, 10:15 a.m. (Did you know that solving puzzles or challenging yourself with new mind-stretching activities and exercises can stimulate the brain and enhance your creative and critical thinking processes?
Mon., April 20 — Earth Day documentary and discussion, 10 a.m. After a film celebrating Earth Day, the group will discuss actions to take to be kind to the planet.
Wed., April 22 — Trip to the Montgomery Upper Middle School for the “Spring Arts Festival” of music and fine and visual art displays, 10:30 a.m. After the festival, lunch will be offered at the Montgomery Center.
Thurs., April 23 — Recycled Crafting: Turn Trash into Treasures. Make treasures out of recycled products. Transform bottle caps, water bottles and jars into art.
Fri., April 24 — Left, right, center dice game, 10:15 a.m. Also, Spring Bingo/Jingo Bonanza, 10:45 a.m. Jingo is like bingo — with a twist.
Mon., April 27 — Flowers and herbs seedling planting, 10:45 a.m. Plant seeds for our garden. Learn tips on how to care for our outdoor garden.
Wed., April 29 — Volunteer appreciation celebration and luncheon. “Bee Thankful” for our wonderful volunteers.
Thurs., April 30 — Free foot and ankle screenings with podiatrist Sharon Joag of East Brunswick Foot Care.