LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Candidates should start looking for real problems

To the editor: 
Hightstown Council candidates Doug Mair and Lynne Woods seem to have walked into the middle of a movie and now demand changes to the screenplay (letter Sept. 11).
They want resolution 2005-66 to be repealed and replaced with some meaningless language of their choosing. They obviously don’t realize that the resolution and the policy that it establishes were enacted at the request of the Hightstown police in order to foster better relations with our immigrant community (the majority of whom are in this country legally).
Resolution 2005-66 was passed by bipartisan vote, under our last Republican mayor, and has served the community well. The Mair-Woods ticket should start looking around for, and proposing solutions to, the real problems of our community, and stop raising one bogus issue after another. 
Torry Watkins 
Hightstown 