Feds green light wind lease off New Jersey coast

Staff Writer

The winds of change are blowing seven miles off the coast of New Jersey, according to an announcement by the federal government.

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) has announced that 343,833 acres off the New Jersey shore will be included in a lease sale scheduled for Nov. 9.

The initial wind energy lease areas begin 7 miles off the coast at the southernmost tip of New Jersey and run northward, stretching up to Long Beach Island.

The DOI estimates that, if fully developed, the lease areas could produce 3,400 megawatts of energy, which is enough to power about 1.2 million homes.

“On the heels of this summer’s historic ‘steel-in-the-water’ milestone for the nation’s first commercial offshore wind farm [in Rhode Island], today’s announcement marks another major step in standing up a sustainable offshore wind program for Atlantic Coast communities,” DOI Secretary Sally Jewell said.

“This effort took significant engagement and cooperation with New Jersey and other stakeholders to advance clean energy development and reduce potential use conflicts, which moves us closer to harnessing the enormous potential of wind energy along the Atlantic Coast,” Jewell added.

U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) weighed in favorably on the news. Pallone, the ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, is an advocate for offshore wind energy.

“By pursuing commercial energy development from renewable resources off the coast of New Jersey, the Department of Interior is taking an important step toward cutting carbon pollution and developing domestic clean energy, all while creating American jobs,” Pallone said.

“The New Jersey Wind Energy Area is uniquely positioned to take advantage of our vast coastline and could generate enough clean, renewable energy to power about 1.2 million homes.

“New Jersey can lead the way in building a far more sustainable energy industry right here at home. With this project, an example of the future of energy policy in our country, we are well on the way,” the congressman said.

Currently, DOI has approved 13 energy companies to participate in the lease auction, which covers two distinct lease areas.

“We are pleased to see sustained commercial interest in offshore wind development,” DOI Director Abigail Ross Hopper said. “We will continue to work closely with members of the New Jersey Renewable Energy Task Force to ensure that our intergovernmental partners remain informed on the next steps proposed by the winners of this auction.”