HILLSBOROUGH: Duke Foundation hasn’t made case for demolition, writer says 

To the editor: 
This Thursday, Oct. 15, is the last hearing of the Duke Mansion demolition permit. Doris Duke’s foundation trustees want to demolish the homestead of Doris Duke and her father, James B. The foundation received almost $2 billion from the Duke family. Thus far, the foundation has only spent only $50 million on Duke Farms — none of which was used to preserve the mansion.
During the demolition hearing, we have learned that the foundation closed down Doris Duke’s beloved Garden of Nations, which drew thousands of visitors while Doris Duke was alive. Now they want to tear down the Duke family’s homestead. The mansion was shuttered about 20 years ago with minimal efforts to maintain it. Now the foundation claims the mansion is in disrepair after years of benign neglect. This is not a valid reason to grant a demolition permit.
At the hearings, the Duke Farms officials testified under oath that the mansion was useless for any adaptive use claiming that the rooms are too small. Later, we learned that the rooms are actually rather spacious and potentially useful for meetings of large groups.
The Duke Foundation officials have not given valid reasons to demolish a Hillsborough treasure and potential economic resource for our town. The Hillsborough Historic Commission should and must vote no to the demolition permit and support the Duke legacy in Hillsborough. 
Dale Gordon 
Hillsborough 