COLTS NECK — The Colts Neck Country Fair will celebrate its 25th anniversary this month. The fair will be held at the Bucks Mill Recreation Area, 125 Bucks Mill Road, from Aug. 20-23. Hours will be 4-11 p.m. Aug. 20- 22 and 2-8 p.m. Aug. 23. Admission is $5 per person. Children under 5 are admitted free.
According to Larry Duffy, who co-chairs the fair committee, local firefighters previously hosted a fair in town. The firefighters’ fair eventually came to an end, and the Colts Neck Country Fair was created because residents missed having a fair in town, he said.
This year’s fair committee includes Duffy and his wife, Karen; Anita and Emory Dedalis; Ed and Janice Sobieski; Anne Marie DelleDonne; and Phil Maida, who is the parking coordinator.
The fair will offer rides provided by Majestic Midways, inflatable attractions and games. The Bayshore Companion Dog Club will demonstrate dog agility and tricks. Other attractions will include the 4-H 24 Carrot Bunny Club, the Colts Neck Lions Club Hole in One, Vappo the Clown, roaming cartoon characters, the New Jersey Hall of Fame Mobile Museum, an antique fire truck, paddle boats and more.
“We are a family-oriented town and we try to have things for people of all ages,” Duffy said of the fair’s offerings.
Local Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts help with the fair; the younger scouts sell water and soda, and the older Boy Scouts help with parking. Members of the Colts Neck High School band will help clean up the food tent each day. Area real estate agents will assist with admission sales, and local teachers will offer their services as well.
The Great American Apple Pie Contest will take place at 2 p.m. Aug. 23. Guests are encouraged to bring their best apple pie.
The fair’s entertainment lineup will include the Matt O’Ree Band, the Moroccan Sheepherders, Slim Chance and the Gamblers, and Rock of Ages featuring Constantine Maroulis of “American Idol,” plus local acts. The coffee shop will return with jazz and acoustic acts and student showcases.
Delicious Orchards, CentraState Healthcare System and Laird’s Applejack sponsor the fair. Robert Defalco Realty sponsors fireworks. Apparel sponsors are Time Life Inc. and Investors Bank. Gold sponsors are Becker Hardware, Sakoutis Brothers and Community Magazine. Eastmont Orchards is a silver sponsor and J. Vincent Jewelers is a bronze sponsor.
The fair welcomes businesses, nonprofit groups, crafters and other vendors, according to its website. For more information, email Larry Duffy at [email protected]
— Peter Elacqua