Auto technology career
night set for Manalapan
By dave benjamin
Staff Writer
An automotive technology career night will be held for eighth- and ninth-graders residing in the Freehold Regional High School District’s eight sending communities.
The event, sponsored by the Automobile Technology Academy at Manalapan High School, will take place on Jan. 15 from 6-9 p.m. at Manalapan High School, 30 Church Lane, Manalapan.
"The automotive career night will include exhibits and presentations focusing on the academy’s educational program, state-of-the-art equipment and career options in the automotive industry," said Ilse Whisner, public information coordinator for the FRHSD. "A large display of new and antique cars will highlight the evening’s program."
Lucille Jones, supervisor of the district’s Life Science/Technology and Applied Technology Departments, said the career night is designed to increase awareness and understanding of the automotive industry.
"This is not about changing oil and tires," Jones said. "Today’s automotive technology is about on-board computers, oxygen sensors, electronic ignitions encrypted with codes and electronically controlled transmissions.
"Several students enrolled in the specialized Science and Engineering Learn-ing Center, who plan to study automotive engineering, take these courses as electives toward their career path," Jones said.
Admissions representatives from Brookdale Community College, Lincroft, and Lincoln Technical Institute, Middle–sex County, will be available to meet with students and parents to discuss post-secondary education programs in the automotive fields.
"Freehold Regional’s Automotive Technology Academy is the only comprehensive high school program in New Jersey to receive national certification as an occupational program," said Whisner. "The academy is also a member of the Automotive Youth Educational System and is an educational partner with automotive manufacturers and dealerships."
Because of the comprehensive curriculum, specialized instructor training and up-to-date equipment required for this national standard for automotive technology, certification was previously offered only to vocational schools, according to FRHSD administrators.
In addition to representatives from post-secondary institutions, representatives from several local car dealers will be on hand to discuss job opportunities and to display their new 2003 sports car models. Participating dealerships are expected to include Irwin Lincoln-Mercury, Freehold Ford, Freehold Toyota, Freehold Mitsubishi and Freehold Pontiac, Buick and GMC.
Highlighting the automobile career night will be an antique car and truck show, featuring street rods, muscle cars, Corvettes and trucks. Antique car owners who would like to participate in the car show should call Steve Halas, instructor of automotive technology, at (732) 792-7200, Ext. 8341.