CentraState offers classes for tots to seniors

CentraState offers
classes for tots to seniors

CentraState Healthcare System’s Health Awareness Centers, Freehold Township, offer a variety of programs designed to improve health and wellness in the community. Preregistration is required for all events.

The Health Awareness Center at 65 Gibson Place offers classes in infant massage, childbirth preparation and refresher classes, infant care, sibling preparation, infant and toddler "Baby and Me" classes, "Jumping Jacks and Jills" for toddlers, "Communicating with Baby," classes to reduce stress, yoga, and several fitness courses.

The Health Awareness Center at Freehold Raceway Mall offers "Tumbling Tots," "Gymboree Music," crafts classes for children, story time, basic computer skills program for ages 3-5 and 4-6, and light aerobic classes for ages 8-12, and nutrition and fitness programs for ages 10-14.

CentraState also sponsors programs for seniors, including dining out and senior games, lectures, defensive driving course, and "Easy Dance Moves for Adults."

Some programs are free and others require a fee. For more information, call the Gibson Place center at (732) 308-0570 or the mall center, (732) 294-0011.