Programs to address dementia, eye health

The Wynwood at Forsgate, Brookdale Senior Living, 380 Forsgate Drive, Monroe, will offer two upcoming presentations.

A seminar on glaucoma is set for 10-11 a.m. Jan. 22. Topics will include how glaucoma strikes, how it is treated and who is at risk. Presenter will be Brett Bergenfeld of On- Site Eye Care. The event will include eyecare trivia, games, free giveaways and complimentary light refreshments and prizes. To reserve, call Kate at 609-409-7525 by Jan. 18.

An interactive discussion and screening of the family-centered video, “Senior Gems: Your Guide to Supporting Family Members With Dementia,” is planned for 5:30 p.m. Jan. 24. The event also will feature Teepa Snow, an occupational therapist in the field of geriatrics and dementia care. Admission and refreshments are complimentary. To reserve, call Kate at 609-409-7525 by Jan. 19.