Joanne Lasky, West Windsor
I have known Michele Kaish for several years. In the last few years I have had the privilege to work with her as she served as the school board liaison to the PTAs/PTSAs and I was on the executive boards at Maurice Hawk and later at Millstone River School. Michele attends nearly every PTA/PTSA meeting in the district, making herself available to address any questions or concerns.
At first blush Michele may seem reserved and quiet, but give her a topic that affects the families in the West Windsor-Plainsboro School District and you will see that she is a strong advocate for what she believes to be right — grounding her opinions in her evaluation of professional data and information. Michele is also a person of integrity. You can see that the moment you meet her: from her gentle and friendly way of speaking, to her calm and pleasant way of listening before responding to issues and ideas.
At school board meetings she is always knowledgeable about all items before the board and informed in her responses. I have seen her at public board meetings explain her reasoning for her vote on important decisions in a way that makes it clear she is cognizant of both the stakeholders and of her responsibilities as a board member representing the interests of the community at large.
To that end, Michele is keenly aware that all parents are seeking what they believe is best for their children. And she takes her job of being a conduit for an excellent school district very seriously as she works to strengthen a school district that offers valuable opportunities for all students.
I believe the residents of West Windsor will be well-served by Michele Kaish serving another term on the West Windsor-Plainsboro School Board.
Joanne Lasky
West Windsor