James and Connie Camner, Princeton
We are writing to support Andrew Zwicker and Maureen Vella for the New Jersey Assembly.
They are both distinguished candidates, well qualified and responsible centrists on positions that New Jersey voters most care about — gun control, the environment, job growth. and in fact every issue that matters.
The economy in New Jersey is in tatters — under Christie and his enablers in the Legislature, New Jersey has dropped near the bottom in job growth and economic recovery.
This election is one of the most important we New Jersey residents will participate in, for as we’ve seen in several state legislatures and even municipalities across the nation, the Tea Party has targeted local elections as a primary way to gain control and power, to gerrymander districts and to bottle up any chance of progress.
Your votes for Zwicker and Vella matter. We have to stop the Tea Party here and now.
James and Connie Camner