Category: News Transcript Opinion

  • Parents should take note of teens’ new tobacco product of choice

    A new fad is emerging among today’s teenagers, and it is putting them at a high risk for nicotine addiction as well as disease. Bidis — thin, unfiltered cigarettes wrapped in brown leaves — are becoming the latest rage among kids. They are just as bad as, if not worse than, regular cigarettes. Bidis come…

  • Better effort needed to help special patients on heavy snow days

    I am a registered nurse at the dialysis unit at CentraState Medical Center, Freehold Township. Once winter approaches, a question frequently asked by patients is "What happens if I can’t get to dialysis?" The answer is, if you don’t drink too many fluids or eat too many foods high in potassium you will be OK…

  • Reader says guest column exhibits ‘editorial meltdown’

    One becomes used to the mundane letters to the editor dealing with local situations. Some examples include the occasional tree hugger attempting to rally support for taking away property rights, the one-term former town committeeman seeking a "legacy," newcomer do-gooders harassing traditional hunting groups, or proponents of "quality of life" blathering about rezoning. Armed with…

  • Ask representatives to vote no on Senate-Assembly bill

    New Jersey is on the brink of allowing the creation of human beings for the sole purpose of experimenting on them and then killing them. Bill S1909/A2840 allows the creation of human clones via "somatic cell nuclear transfer" (the same way that Dolly the sheep was created), to be grown in a woman’s womb to…

  • Ask representatives to vote no on Senate-Assembly bill

    New Jersey is on the brink of allowing the creation of human beings for the sole purpose of experimenting on them and then killing them. Bill S1909/A2840 allows the creation of human clones via "somatic cell nuclear transfer" (the same way that Dolly the sheep was created), to be grown in a woman’s womb to…

  • United States is not to blame for all of the world’s ills

    Despite Carol Abaya’s numerous references to her past experiences in her guest column (News Transcript, Feb. 20), her overly simplistic generalizations and flaws in logic betray her attempt to establish herself as a political pundit. First of all, even if we accept her statements that she correctly predicted the past events in India and Indonesia,…

  • Enforce ordinance to remove snow from sidewalks

    For all the parents who wonder why schools closed, or should have closed on Feb. 19 please look around. Yes, the road was dry so send the kids to school; after all, we have had them home for four days already. To the school administrators who are so worried about make-up days, what does safety…

  • Obituaries

    ROBERT BRUSCA, 69, of Middletown died Feb. 16 at home. He was born in Brooklyn, N.Y. He was a station foreman at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, Jersey City, for 40 years, retiring in 1997. He was a communicant of St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, New Monmouth section of Middletown. He…

  • Our View

    Planned addition is too large The size of an addition that a Freehold Township resident wants to build on his home should be enough for the Zoning Board of Adjustment to reject the application. Other questions that surround the plan need not be addressed by the board. Specifically, there is no question that Rabbi Avram…