Allentown Children’s Theater will present a free performance for members of the community at 10:30 a.m. July 16 in the Upper Freehold Regional Elementary School auditorium, 27 High St., Allentown.
Students attending the Musical Theater Magic summer program will perform a short musical titled "How Does Your Garden Grow." The performance is open to everyone.
Allentown Children’s Theater is associated with the Community Education department of the Upper Freehold Regional School District. The show is staged by A.C.T. Director Amanda Conn-Levin, a faculty member at the elementary school, with assistance by Rita DeAngelo.
For further details, visit the Web site www.allentownchildrenstheater.
com or call Community Education at (609) 259-2160, ext. 434.
Motorcycle Cruise Night
July 21 in Allentown
Cruise for Prevention, a Motorcycle Cruise Night to benefit the Allentown/Upper Freehold Municipal Alliance to Prevent Alcoholism and Drug Abuse, will be held July 21 from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at Byron Johnson Park, Ellisdale Road, Cream Ridge.
There will be trophies for mayor’s choice and people’s choice, food, door prizes, and a 50/50 raffle. All types of bikes are welcome to enter.
A $5 donation is requested from those entering bikes, with no charge for spectators.
For more information, call the Allentown/Upper Freehold Municipal Alliance, (609) 259-6019.
AHS class of ’54 to hold reunion Sept. 11
The 50-year reunion of the Allentown High School class of 1954 will be held Sept. 11 at The Greens restaurant of Cream Ridge Golf Club.
For further information, call Ramona Rue Truncer, (609) 259-6811 or Thelma Parker Davison (609) 758-2075.
‘12 Dancing Princesses’
to take stage in Millstone
Millstone Community Education’s Summer Theatre will present "Twelve Dancing Princesses," the tale of 12 enchanted princesses put under a spell to dance all night and sleep all day.
Directed by Laurie Edwards and choreographed by Heather Favretto, the event will take place at the Millstone Elementary School July 23 at 7 p.m. Tickets are free.