Neve Shalom to honor Torah readers

Neve Shalom, 250 Grove Ave., Metuchen, will honor its Torah readers on June 21 at a free luncheon following the 9:30 a.m. services. Congregants who have chanted Torah, Haftarah, Megillot, led services and taught courses will be recognized. For more information, contact Hazzan Levin at 732-548-2238, ext. 14, or [email protected].

The congregation will hold Erev Tisha B’Av Services on Aug. 9 after Mincha at 7:15 p.m. followed by a D’Var Torah by Rabbi Zelizer and chanting of the Book of Lamentations. On Aug. 10, Tisha B’Av services will begin at 9 a.m., including a Torah service.

The annual Family Day and Barbeque will be 4-7 p.m. Aug. 17 at Oakland Park, Oakland Avenue, Metuchen. Cost is $9 in advance for adults, $12 at the gate, and $5 for children 10 and under. The event will include food, games and prizes, volleyball, softball and horseshoes. For information or reservations, contact Stu Mantel 732-855-1841 or Abe Adler at 732-494-6427.