Get involved during Hunger Action Month

September is national Hunger Action Month, which is a nationwide call-to-action effort to mobilize people everywhere to get involved with ending hunger in America. One in eight Americans struggles with hunger. That’s why The FoodBank of Monmouth and Ocean Counties and Feeding America are asking everyone to take action during Hunger Action Month. Throughout September, join millions of other Americans in giving a little of yourself … money, time, voice … whatever you can … to feed a lot.

Many in our communities have joined with us already to take action and help those who suffer from the effects of hunger. Locally, the Lowy family has organized a Surfside Food Drive at several beach clubs; Wendy’s took an “Action for Hunger” Sept. 16 during which a portion of total sales will go to food banks in three states; the Liberty Natural Gas Boardwalk Relay will be held Sept. 26 on the Asbury Boardwalk; area Macy’s stores and The Cheesecake Factory will be holding events and doing their part to take action this month, and the School Holiday Hunger Challenge food drive will begin at the end of the month in many schools in Monmouth and Ocean counties. The FoodBank is proud of these generous actions.

As we know, the economy continues to fluctuate and many jobs have been lost. At the end of August it was learned that nearly 40,000 New Jersey residents will lose their extended unemployment benefits. Food requests from the charities we serve have increased between 30 and 35 percent. Winter is approaching and with it numerous other concerns.

I encourage everyone to get involved in Hunger Action Month. By simply going to www.foodbankmoc. org and clicking on our calendar, we have supplied you with information and ideas that make it very easy for you to take action and be part of this national movement to make a difference in the fight against hunger. Please join with us so we can continue to ensure that no one will go hungry in our neighborhoods.

Susan M. Kelly

Executive Director FoodBank of Monmouth

& Ocean Counties
